Health Department
Candia Town Offices
74 High Street
Candia, NH 03034
Phone: 603-483-1015
Town Directory & ContactsHealth Department Announcements
The Health Department works closely with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Resources, the Department of Environmental Services, the Manchester Health Department, and other related agencies pertaining to any situations that may occur. Our goal is to provide the local residents of Candia and the people that work or visit here a healthy and safe environment. We encourage anyone with questions to call or visit our office.
Mission Statement: In accordance with RSA 128:5, we "enforce the public health laws and regulations, and make necessary inspections and investigations as may be directed by the local board of health or as may be required by the Division of Public Health Service."
What We Do
- In accordance with RSA 128:5, "enforce the public health laws and rules".
- Make sanitary investigations as may be directed by the local board of health or as may be required by the department of Health and Human Services."
- Inspections of group homes, day care facilities and private homes (in the event of a complaint)
- Inspections for faulty septic system
- Provide general information to the public, as received from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.